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Preaching Christ from Old Testament Narrative
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Start Here (4:08)
Prayer Posture (4:24)
The Intimidating OT (4:02)
Errors to Avoid
Between Two Worlds (4:25)
Allegorizing (4:25)
Spiritualizing Part 1 (4:19)
Spiritualizing Part 2 (4:19)
Generalizing (4:21)
Moralizing (4:34)
Finding the Message
The Way Forward (2:28)
Resources (1:51)
OT Narrative Template Overview (3:43)
The Plot
What? The Plot (3:53)
What? Plot: 1 Samuel 3 (4:34)
What? Climax: Joshua 2 (5:05)
What? Plot Arc: Joshua 2 (2:55)
The Characters
Who? Characters (4:01)
Who? Characters: 1 Samuel 17 (5:04)
Who? Characters: Various Texts (5:21)
Who? Special Features (2:12)
Who? Direct Description: 1 Samuel 17 (4:02)
Who? Behavior: 1 Samuel 1 (3:21)
Who? Names: Various Texts (3:26)
Review: Authorial Intent (3:00)
Who? Designations (5:09)
Historical Context
When? Historical Details (5:13)
When? Overview (2:40)
When? Hist Context: Joshua 2 (5:13)
Where? Geography: Joshua 2 (3:01)
Literary Context
How? Literary Context Overview (3:06)
Authorial Intent (2:28)
Literary Context: 1 Samuel 8 (3:08)
Literary Detail: Joshua 1 (4:34)
Yahweh's Name: Various Texts (4:31)
Repetition (4:26)
Irony (4:20)
Omniscience (2:44)
Why? Dialogue (4:49)
The Message of the Text
Ethical Thrust (4:22)
Text Articulation (2:24)
Making Application (2:44)
Application: Joshua 3 (3:39)
Application: Joshua 2 (4:25)
Vision of God: Joshua 1 (3:57)
FCF Overview (5:23)
FCF: Finite and Fragile (4:54)
FCF: Faltering and Fallen (4:31)
Echoes Overview (4:44)
Echoes: 1 Samuel 5-6 (4:14)
Echoes: Joshua 3 (4:03)
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Who? Names: Various Texts
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